February is ovarian cancer awareness month, it is an important time at Rare Ovarian Cancer Inc. (ROC Inc), we are passionate about bringing more attention to awareness and to highlight why funded research is so crucial. Ovarian cancer affects females of all ages from babies to post-menopausal women.

Have you or someone you care about been impacted by ovarian cancer?
Sharing your experience and knowledge with others can have a big impact. You can play an important part in raising awareness in your community about ovarian cancer to help we have created free printable resources posters, bunting and awareness ribbons giving you the tools to share information about symptoms.

Teal is the international colour for ovarian cancer awareness. Wear Teal and start the conversation about the need for more research to improve the five-year survival rate of 46% there needs to be more research to understand how ovarian cancer originates, grows, spreads and to find effective treatment options. Make them aware that a pap smear doesn’t detect ovarian cancer. There is no national early detection screening test.
Use social media to spread awareness about ovarian cancer and the symptoms to be aware of. Add resources to your personal, organisation or institutional website. Use the hashtag #RockForROC.
Purchase ROC Inc. merchandise shirts, hoodies, singlets, Tea/Hand Towels and Awareness Ribbon Pins all money raised is going towards funding research. https://www.rocinc.org.au/shop/

Get your work involved
- print and hang posters and bunting to bring more awareness
- select a day where everyone wears Teal. Take a picture and share it to your company’s social media pages using the hashtag #RockForROC
- Sell awareness pins and have a donation box at your desk or in the common area and let your colleagues know you are raising money.
- get a group together and paint some awareness rocks and post pictures to the rock painting group Rock For ROC on Facebook.