Thanks to the ongoing generosity of supporters, individual, families, corporate and community groups helping raise so far over $28,000 for research. We are almost at our target of $30,000.
Most people are surprised to learn that ovarian cancer is not one disease but several distinct types and subtypes. Each type differs with its prognosis, how it is spread and how it is treated. Ovarian cancer needs more research to be able to improve the low survival rate of 46%.
For ovarian cancers that are rare, like Granulosa Cell Tumour – GCT and its two sub types adult Granulosa Cell Tumour (aGCT) and juvenile Granulosa Cell Tumour (jGCT) there are unique challenges not only with the challenges of research funding but also the difficulty of collecting sufficient number of tumours samples to enable the research. Thanks to each and every one of the females diagnosed with GCT from all over the world, ranging in age from 11 months old to 53 years that are participating in the research by donating their tumour samples. More tumours needed particularly for the rarer sub type jGCT.
Rare Ovarian Cancer Inc. -ROC Inc has been raising the extra amount of $30,000 we need so the researchers at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne, Australia can conduct Whole Genome Sequencing -WGS it’s a better test for the tissue and salvia samples as it will give results for the Whole Genome for the researcher to look for answer we so desperately need. This will also be another first for jGCT.
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